
Monday, February 2, 2015

Valentines day facts

1. On average, men shell out $130 each on candy, cards, jewelry, flowers and dates. That’s more than double what women commit to spending. 
2. About 1 billion Valentine's Day cards are exchanged in US each year. That's the largest seasonal card-sending occasion of the year, next to Christmas.
3. In Medieval times, girls ate unusual foods on St Valentine's Day to make them dream of their future husband.
4. Groundhog Day was originally observed on February 14
5.Lace is often used on Valentine decorations. The word “lace” comes from the Latin aques, meaning “to snare or net,” as in to catch a person’s heart.
6. Commercially, Valentine cards didn’t appear in England until almost the 1800s, though handmade cards had been popular for some time.,

February Fun Facts

1. All clown fish are born as males.
2. In Australia "Bluey" is a nickname for redheads.
3. Sometimes wild strawberries are yellow.
4. Certain sand dunes sometimes hum.
5. US banknotes are sometimes printed 4 times.
6. Hot and cold water make different sounds.
7. There is such a thing as blue volcanoes!
8. In Jakarta,Indonesia there are over 2 million more people than in New York City.
9. There are over 70 active volcanoes in Indonesia .
10. President Obama has visited more than 45 countries while being the president.       

National Geographic Kids Sea Turtle Pg.4, Pg.8, Pg. 10, Pg. 22-25 March 2015 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

FUN FACTS for October

In Singapore people used to be fined for not flushing public toilets.

Number four is said to be unlucky in China.

A child's foot print was found and said to be 25,000 years old.

It is considered rude to write in red ink in Portugal.

Rhino horns are made out of the same stuff as our fingernails.

Eating chocolate boosts blood flow to the brain.

Ostriches eyes are bigger than their brains.

Elephants can swim for six hours without resting .

Laid end to end an adults blood vessels would circle the equator 4 times.

Raincoats were invented in Scotland.

Information was taken from:
National Geographic for Kids, September 2012 Pages 23, 27