
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

FUN FACTS for October

In Singapore people used to be fined for not flushing public toilets.

Number four is said to be unlucky in China.

A child's foot print was found and said to be 25,000 years old.

It is considered rude to write in red ink in Portugal.

Rhino horns are made out of the same stuff as our fingernails.

Eating chocolate boosts blood flow to the brain.

Ostriches eyes are bigger than their brains.

Elephants can swim for six hours without resting .

Laid end to end an adults blood vessels would circle the equator 4 times.

Raincoats were invented in Scotland.

Information was taken from:
National Geographic for Kids, September 2012 Pages 23, 27

1 comment:

  1. When were the raincoats invented? What did people do before raincoats? (get wet)


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